TechCrunch Bathes in Their Own Excrement


Upon initial examination, it seemed that TechCrunch had done us all a favor and listed all of the Internet Annoyances for us. You may actually want to view their post as it is akin to someone handing you a cellophane layover of a map of your garden noting where all the land mines have been placed.  We recommend you ignore the commentary and merely take note of the warnings.

The first thing you will notice is that TechCrunch takes immense pleasure in the apparent game of pissing where we drink, but if you take a moment to look closer they go from skimming the surface of the septic tank to putting on Mike Rowe’s knee high slickers to jump right in.

(Oddly enough, Mike Rowe’s interaction with the septic tank seems to be a perfect metaphor for dealing with Internet Annoyances.)

TechCrunch initiated their very own Internet Annoyance and then proceeded to list & grade said Annoyance in their own list.  Not surprisingly, they gave themselves an “A+”.

TechCrunch and modesty go together like Legos and Lincoln Logs.

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